Where do you need to study and what exams are taken to be an orthodontist?

Orthodontics is a specialty in Dentistry. Being an Orthodontist requires being a general dentist that has specialized in orthodontics in a formally recognized institution here in Israel or abroad. This orthodontist has to pass the specialty exams and receive a specialty degree by the ministry of Health.
The specialization program includes the knowledge and the tools for planning orthodontic treatment and solving orthodontic problems that are unique to each and every patient.
The three places that are recognized for orthodontic specialty are: Tel Aviv university, Jerusalem university and Tel Hashomer Hospital.

Is there any danger to the teeth in Orthodontic treatment?

Movement of teeth does not endanger them if it is done by using physiological forces.
One common negative side effect is when teeth are not cleaned properly there is gum swelling and white spots on the teeth, which are the beginning of carious lesions. During orthodontic treatment, the teeth should be brushed three times a day.
Another side effect that might happen is very slight shortening of the tip of the roots of the anterior teeth but that depends on the duration of the treatment, genetic predisposition, strong forces for long periods of time, etc.

Are there any contra indications for orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is not invasive.
Orthodontic treatment is possible in many different physical conditions like heart condition high blood pressure and pregnancy.
Heavy smoking is not advisable during treatment.
In every case, care should be taken to keep excellent oral hygiene.

How long is the Orthodontic treatment?

Treatment time varies according to the problem we want to solve usually the treatment duration is between six months to two years.

Do braces hurt?

There have been some fantastic advances in the way we do things now in orthodontics to make treatment more comfortable for ourpatients. These include smaller, smoother brackets, and gentler wires, which provide a continuous, small force over a long period of time rather than a strong force for only a short period. Typically, there is some discomfort two to three days after each adjustment that over the counter pain relievers can take care of.

Am I too old to have braces?

Believe it or not, 50% of our practice is made up of adults and the numbers are growing. It is generally believed that teeth will not move as well in adults. This is not true. In fact, in many cases they move even better, because adults tend to cooperate better with us in the care of their teeth during treatment than younger folks.

Sometimes the teeth are mobile will they fall off?

Every tooth in the mouth is connected to the bone and the gums with many thin fibers.
When force is applied to the teeth, some of these fibers detach and this makes the teeth a little mobile.
After orthodontic treatment is completed the teeth will stabilize.

Does long Orthodontic treatment damage the teeth and the gums?

The Aim of the Orthodontic treatment is to bring the teeth to the optimal functional position, and optimal aesthetic position.
The treatment should be as short as possible. During the treatment, hygiene should be excellent. A patient that does not maintain good hygiene may damage his own teeth and gums by exposing them to caries and gum inflammation.

Will the teeth stay straight forever after orthodontic treatment?

There is no absolute guarantee that the teeth will stay straight forever.
People that have never undergone Orthodontic treatment sometime get their teeth crowded at a later stage of life.
After the Orthodontic treatment is finished, you will be given instruction how to maintain your teeth straight. This will be by using the retention appliances. Continuing use of these appliances will keep your teeth straight.

Does eruption of wisdom teeth move the rest of the teeth?

Orthodontic treatment ends usually before wisdom teeth erupt.
After the end of treatment, you must use the retention appliances that were given.
During the eruption of wisdom teeth, there are forces that are generated around the arch. These forces might move the other teeth even though it is not proven that they always do